Clark County, Ohio

History and Genealogy

Springfield in 1852

From Directory of the City of Springfield
John W. Kees & Co., Springfield. 1852


res. - residence.
E. - east.
N. - north.
S. - south.
W. - west
bd., bds - board, boards.
cor. - corner.
bet. - between.
st., sts. - street, streets.
s. - side
Those designated by a * are colored persons.


Carter, Hugh tinner, bds with J. Leffel
Cave, Geo. B. shoemaker, res Market st E s 1 d S of M E Church
Carrol, John laborer, Market st bet Main and Columbia W s
Cahill, A. student of Wittenberg College
Carch, John shoemaker, res N W cor Main and Race sts
Cave, Joseph H. laborer, res Columbia st bet Mill run and Factory st S s
Cowan, Wm. blacksmith, res Columbia st bet Spring and Limestone, N s
Campbell, J. C. printer, bs with T. A. Wick
Cavany, Peter laborer, res Columbia st bet Spring and Water N s
Casey, John laborer, bds with J. Heshon
Cadwalader, Roland mail agent, bds with C. F. McWilliams
Cavileer, Alfred stove dealer, res Main st bet Spring and Water S s
Carns, Michael laborer, bds with F. Bonsell
Carr, John carpenter, bds at U.S. House
Cathcart, Jos. farmer, res with I. N. Walters
Carlos, Daniel grocer, res S E cor Main and Spring sts
Calhoun, Armstrong carpenter, bds with Wm. Strain
Cavileer, Mrs. Rachel, res N W cor Spring and High sts
Campbell, Albert laborer, bds with W. F. Ash
Cadwalader, Morris clerk in P O bds with M. S. Steele
Carllas, Matthew laborer, res Gallagher st S of N depot
Carey, Martin city marshal, res Jefferson st bet Factory and Center N s
Chamberlin, Person bds with M. Kauffman
Chorpenning, J. F. student of Wittenberg College
Christie, James S. machinist, res Springhill N of North st E s
Churchill, B. T. shoemaker, res Main st bet Spring and Water N s
Christie, Jesse clerk, res Factory st bet Main and High
Christie, J. W. harness maker bds with J. Christie
Chrest, Henry shoemaker, res Washington st bet Factory and Center N s
Chrest, Jacob plasterer, res Center st S end E s
Cisick, Patrick laborer, bds with Hugh Hart
Claypool, J. T. cahsier State bank, res S E cor Limestone & North sts
Claypool, Thos. teller State Bank, bds with J. T. Claypool
Clark, A. M. tanner, bds with H. Britney
Clevenger, Mrs. E. M., res High st bet Penn and Foster N s
Clark, Sam'l grocer, res S W cor High and Spring sts
Clark, J. H. clerk, bds with S. Clark
Clark, John H. clerk, bds with S. Clark
Clark, T. J. painter, res N E cor High and Limestone sts
Clark, James, laborer, res Hill st S end W s
Clapsaddle, O. mason, res Race st bet Main and High W s
Click, John blacksmith, res Main st W end S s
Click, Emmanuel blacksmith, bds with J. Click
Click, John jr. teamster bds with J. Click
Clark, Oliver farmer, res Factory st S of L.M.R.R. bridge
Clark, John shoemaker, res S W cor Harrison & Taylor sts
Clark, Wm. laborer, S E cor Harrison and Taylor sts
Clark, Dennis spinner, res S W cor Cherry and Rogers sts
Clark, Robert laborer, res Clifton st S s
Clark, Samuel laborer, res S of N depot
Claney, Wm. carriage maker, res Factory st S end W s
Clarke, T. P. harness and trunk maker, bds at T. J. Clarke's
Cobaugh, L. millwright, res Limestone st N of North st E s
Cooper, David hardware dealer, Market st E s S of M.E. Church
Coulter, Thos. cabinet maker, bds with P. Moody
*Coleman, Mrs. Mary, Market st N of North
Conrad, Rev. F. W. Prof. Wittenberg College, bds with J. N. Harty
Combs, Myron student of Wittenberg College
Cook, W. teamster, res Main st bet Factory & Mechanic N s
Cool, Jno. blacksmith, res North st bet Mechanic and Factory N s
Cole, A. B. railroad conductor, bds at Anthony House
Cole, Albert, railroad conductor, bds at Anthony House
Cox, Mrs. Ellen, res Spring st bet Columbia and North
Cox, Peter laborer, bds with Ellen Cox
Cox, Michael laborer, bds with Ellen Cox
Cox, John laborer, bds with Ellen Cox
Cox, Luke laborer, bds with Ellen Cox
Cook, Jos. laborer, S E cor Spring and North sts
Collins, Dennis teamster, res S W cor Main and Penn sts
Coleman, T. K. minister and clerk, High st bet Penn and Foster N s
Coles, Wm. furniture dealer, res Main st bet Market and Center S s
Coles, Wm. jr. chair-maker bds with W. Coles
Cooper, Jas. tailor, res Main st bet Center and Factory S s
Cooper, Samuel, res High st bet Spring and Limestone S s
Cotes, P. hatter, res High st bet Spring and Limestone N s
Compton, I. H. grocer, Market st bet Main and High W s
*Conoway, Capt. drayman, res S of High st E end
Collins, Wm. mason, res S Pleasant st bet Center and Factory N s
Copes, Mrs. Sarah, res Scott st bet Harrison and Clifton
Cook, Nath'l machinist, res Factory st bet Washington and Jefferson E s
Corwin, H. B. carbuilder, res Factory st W end of Jefferson W s
Conner, John spike driver, res Two Pole st S end E s
Coss, J. C. shoemaker, res Centre st bet Jefferson and S Pleasant E s
Cooper, Mrs. Eliza, res High st bet Factory and Center S s
Colville, James, merchant, res Spring st bet Washington and Mill Run E s
Coverdill, J. R. lawyer, res Main st bet Spring & Foster S s
Cowman, J. tailor, res Factory st W s
Creighton, Mrs. —, res Mechanic st bet Main & High W s
Croft, David distiller, bds with J. Leffel
Crowell, A. B. machinist, res Market st N end E s
Croney, Mrs. Ann, res Market st bet Columbia & North E s
Croft, G. turner, res North st bet Market and Limestone N s
Crouse, John sawyer, res near Stroup's mill
Criley, Isaac carpenter, North Center st S s
Creighton, John, bds with F. B. Creighton
Crossland, Emanuel jailer, res new jail house
Cronin, Jeremiah laborer, res Columbia st bet Spring and Water N s
Crouse, Jos. grocer, bds at U.S. House
Crossland, J. K. grocer, Main st bet Foster and Penn S s
Crocher, Isaac carpenter, res S E cor Main and Yellow Springs sts
Craft, Reson portrait painter, res Dayton pike, N s
Crown, Joshua livery man, Market Space W s
Crable, Wm. student, bds with J. Crown
Crouch, Wm. sr. laborer, res Center st S end E s
Crouch, Wm. Jr. carpenter, bds with W. Crouch
Crombleholme, George coach painter, res Colubmia st bet Limestone and Spring S s
Creighton, F. B. lime and stone dealer, res Limestone st
Custard, L. F. student of Wittenberg College
Cuff, Patrick laborer, res S E cor Main and Penn sts
Cummings, Mrs. Mary, res N W cor High and Cherry sts
Curtice, Orrin railroad man, res Yellow Spring st bet Main and High E s
Cutter, Geo. laborer, res Market st bet Main and High W s
Cunningham, Edward tailor, res High st bet Market and Center N s


Ohio Genealogy



Battle of Piqua




City Charter

County Politics and Roster of Officers


Early Clark County

George Rogers Clark

Clark-Shawnee Centennial

Education in Clark County

Ghost Towns

Indians in Clark County

Pioneers and Pioneer Days

Simon Kenton

Military History


The National Road


The Old Northwest




Springfield in 1852

Springfield in 1859

Springfield in 1863

Springfield in 1868

Springfield History

SHS 1951 Yearbook

State and County Government

Then & Now

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